Gorden Talis

Gorden Tallis

Date Of Birth: 27.7.1973
Birthplace: Townsville
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 104 kg
Position: SECOND ROW
NRL games prior to 2003: 175
State of Origin: 14 Queensland (1994 – 2002)
Tests: 7 Australia (1998 – 2002)
First grade debut: 1992
Age started playing: 8, in Townsville

The Raging Bull is the first to admit that his form in 2002 was well below his best, despite the fact he captained his country in a Test for the first time. Following off-season surgery, and a marriage, Gorden is set to turn things around in 2003.

Best place to spend time away from football? On the golf course

Favourite food? Indian and Thai

Who has been the biggest influence on your career? My under 8s coach, Reg Matthews

What has been your most memorable match? The 2000 Grand Final win, my last Origin and any time I play for Australia. I can’t split them – they all hold special significance.

Favourite player of all time? Wally Lewis

Favourite movie? Shawshank Redemption

If you could be any other person – who would it be? Brittany Spears’ boyfriend

If you had a superpower, what would it be? The ability to heal myself and others

Hardest hitter in the game? Matt Rua

Most respected player in the game? Alfie – he has done so much at all different levels of the game

Did you excel in any other sports as a junior? I was average at softball and cricket – that was about it.

If you could have any four guests at a dinner party, who would they be? Michael Jordan, Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy and Tiger Woods

What club did you support as a junior? Wynumn-Manly – They had all the great Queenslanders then like Lewis, Miles and Dowling.

What is the ultimate – playing for Australia, playing Origin, or winning a premiership? Each one at given time is very special. I wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to play in any of those matches for anything.